Our Mission
SMP Health, inspired by the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation, provides leadership to its Catholic health care ministries as they work to fulfill the healing mission of Jesus.
Healing Hospitality
We seek Jesus’s healing for the whole person – emotional, spiritual, social, and physical. Each person is unique and of utmost value, deserving respect and care through all stages of life.
We are morally committed to our mission and to truth, quality, and professionalism guided by the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.
We use our God-given gifts of human and material resources responsibly as we develop them for the benefit of the whole community.
We are accountable to Jesus for promoting an atmosphere of loving care as we serve the common good of our communities and one another.
We are a Catholic health system, which, in its diversity of programs and facilities, consists of individuals who care and believe they can make a difference.
Our concern is for all people, but the poor and elderly have a special claim on us. From our limited resources we provide services characterized by excellence, compassion, and personalized concern. Because we care, we focus on the needs of the whole person which includes their physical, spiritual, psychological, and social well-being.
We live in a world of change and challenges, and we know this will continue into the future. We are people of hope and commitment. The rich diversity of people, professions, skills, talents, and gifts enables us to continue the healing ministry of Jesus.
We Believe: Our Catholic health care services and programs are ecclesial in nature, mandated by the Church to carry on the healing ministry of Jesus.
We Believe: Life is a gift from God. Each person’s life is of utmost value, regardless of the quality of life, and deserves respect and care at all stages from conception until natural death.
We Believe: In order to heal as Jesus did, we are called to care for and to be concerned about the whole patient in their physical, spiritual, mental, and social needs within the scope of our capabilities.
We Believe: In ownership and management, we have an opportunity and responsibility to provide quality patient care in an environment that contributes to the healing of the whole person.
We Believe: We have a responsibility to create a “God-charged” atmosphere, which will foster both a deep respect for the uniqueness of each person and of their contribution to the organization. This will permeate the entire environment and be reflected in a spirit of Christian community and in quality patient care.
We Believe: We have an opportunity and a responsibility to provide pastoral care for all persons associated with our health care services and programs.
We Believe: Those involved in our Catholic health care programs and services should be vitally interested in the well-being of those communities and should occupy influential positions in the business, civic, or religious spheres.
We Believe: The values and principles inherent in the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Services Facilities as promulgated by the United States Catholic Conference and the local bishops, and in our responsibility to maintain policies and procedures in accord with those Directives.
We Believe: Our Catholic health care services and programs should advance the cause of social justice internally through respect for the personal dignity and worth of each employee, as well as through appropriate material compensation, and externally through the use of their position and power for the common good of society and its individual members.
We Believe: We have an opportunity and obligation to provide educational programs, consistent with and supportive of this philosophy, and that we have the right to require of each person in our services and programs accountability for excellence and adherence to professional and institutional standards.
An appropriate understanding of our system and its mission requires that we continually acknowledge the system’s source in the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation. Their sponsorship is never to be overlooked and we perpetuate this relationship in our logo as well as in the name of our organization.
The SMP Health logo is comprised of the emblem of the Sister of Mary of the Presentation accompanied by the name of “SMP Health.” The emblem of the Sisters is incorporated into the SMP Health logo to identify and perpetuate the Sisters as the source of our system, its mission, history and identity.
The Emblem of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation
In 1982 the General Chapter of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation agreed to this oval symbol as a common community symbol to indicate membership in the Congregation.
The symbolism is explained by the Sisters as follows:
The Cross represents Jesus Christ our Savior.
The M represents Mary whose daughters we are.
The Oval signifies the Church and our Congregation.
The Cross is rooted in the earth where our lives and ministry take place.
SMP Health Logo
The SMP Health logo is comprised of three fundamental elements:
- The oval emblem of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation
- The name “SMP Health”
- The line under the name